Audio Video Network protocols supported by Android OS Devices.Android : Execute some code after back button is pressed.Change Title text for Android Activity using java code.Java: Check Internet connection on Android Device (Wifi or Mobile).
How to create Toast messages in Android?.Intel HAXM is not installed on this machine ERROR x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration.Now try running the App again on Emulator.Change the value from 5000 to say 15000 or more.You would see ADB connection time out (ms): 5000.Go to Window -> Preferences (if you are using Windows OS) or Eclipse -> Preferences (if you are using Mac OS X) or Android Studio -> Preferences (if you are using Mac OS X).To resolve this issue you gotta increase the Timeout time value set in for ADB. Failed to install Example.apk on device 'emulator-5554': timeout Uploading Example.apk onto device 'emulator-5554' I have seen that my Android IDE LogCat console keeps throwing the below-stated error message, sometimes when I try to run the app on Emulator (especially one that's running Android Lollipop version 5.1 API 22), the Uploading stage takes a bit of more time and thus Launch canceled! error, when I try again sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, Android Launch!